About Me and US

I'm Julie Ann,
Founder of
New Energy Mastery

and You are so very Welcome here.

If we’re meeting for the first time (in this lifetime) then I’m so thrilled to reconnect with you … and if we’ve been on this journey together for a while then I’m so truly grateful you’re here now.

I believe there are no accidents and if you’re here reading this right now it’s divine timing for you and me. You’ll feel if this is true for you too.

My own role at this time is to be an Ascension and Embodiment Guide … a Mentor, Teacher, Facilitator who is here to simply remind you about your gifts, lineage and mission. You’re already a Master … and the work we do together realigns you with that truth on every level.

Everything I share is based on current Divine Guidance and aligned with the massively shifting energies we are moving through each and every day now. We have to be willing to adapt as we go and our connection to guidance is the key to this. Helping you to access your own knowing is the basis of all.

And finding your tribe.

The New Energy Mastery Mystery School is the vehicle for you to take a deep dive into remembrance. To be welcomed into a familiar and supportive space ... and to gain your confidence as a wayshower for this New World we are birthing. You are so greatly needed right now ... it's time.

Here's a bit about my own journey ... maybe you resonate with it too.

I’ve been on this Awakening path myself for over 30 years now … and working with the Ascension energies for a couple of decades.

My own Awakening came in layers … as I’m sure yours has too.

After following the traditional "success" path into IT, Corporate and Consulting roles things began to unravel.

A series of crises in my 30s uncovered a latent High Anxiety condition. Which thankfully led me to a lifelong and lifechanging daily practice of meditation/alignment.

A leap of faith into a career as a healer/teacher came around 20 years ago.

Then in 2005 came the “big awakening” when I learned about the huge shift of the ages we all came for. Finally so many things made sense as dots connected and new information flowed in.

You and me … we are here for this.

My mission began to unfold at that time and I’ve been on it ever since.

I’ve learned from some amazing teachers/wayshowers on this planet, learned through my own journey and experiences ….  and the learning never ends.

And I’ve shared what I’ve learned … via words and energetic practices … with hundreds of others.

As well as teaching workshops in Healing, Meditation, Law of Attraction and Lightbody Activation … and leading beautiful meditation circles ... I’ve traveled the world as a Gatekeeper, visiting Sacred and Portal sites in many places including:


Bolivia (Lake Titicaca and Tiwanaku)
Cambodia (Anghor Wat)
France (the Magdalene sites)
Indonesia (Borebedor, Mount Meraphi, Bali)
New Zealand
UK (Glastonbury, Avebury, Stonehenge, Cornwall)
USA (Mount Shasta, Santa Fe, Phoenix, Sedona)


A highlight was leading a group trip to Peru in 2018 with more coming soon. A mission to Egypt is in the works. 

In 2021 it was time to take things to the next level and create "New Energy Mastery".

Our modern day Mystery School is where we remember who we are … access our ancient gifts …and share them in the world in practical ways. 

There’s another aspect to this too … our own understanding of embodiment.

Embodiment as we define it here goes beyond the traditional meaning. We are now embodying the light of who we truly are in new ways that involve upgrading our body chemistry and DNA.

The embodiment of your Divine Essence provides the basis for all you bring to the world ... and the basis for our courses and Certifications.

Our New Energy Meditation Facilitator Certification supports you in bringing this Essence to others in practical ways ... through meditation, coaching, healing, storytelling, courses, art or in your own unique way. 

Blending the magical with the practical.

I hope you find something that touches your soul here on our site.

Please do contact me if you'd like more information.

With Love,

Julie Ann



Julie Ann is a highly experienced Energy Healer, Workshop Facilitator and Meditation Leader ... with Certifications through the Jin Shin Jyutsu and Lightworker.com organisations. She is also a graduate of the "Awakening your Lightbody" program through Luminessence. Julie has led many global online meditations and created a range of trainings in Lightbody Activation (The Living Light Series), Law of Attraction, Embodiment and Ascension Awareness. She is most recently the Founder of the New Energy Mastery/Mystery School.

Julie also has a Masters' Degree in Applied Science and a background in IT, University Lecturing and Management Consulting.

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Join our Meditation Facilitator Certification or other Upcoming Courses.

If you're not sure where to begin please reach out for a relaxed chat.


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1:1 Mentoring

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